Monday 21 October 2013

Studio Brief 4

Today we were assigned studio brief 4. It's a research gathering brief that I'm quite excited about, over the last couple of years I've changed in terms of my methods in collecting research. I've learned that a good background knowledge into the subject you're designing for is invaluable.

It really starts tomorrow, when our task is to pick up a paper and analise & research a specific story. A deep level of understanding is what will make this a strong project; I find that graphic design is fairly unique, and I found a good quote in eye magazine last week to sum up exactly what I'm talking about, it's very fitting: "What other profession do you end up in where you learn so much about other people's businesses than in graphic design? It's remarkable. Clients will tell you everything. It's like being a therapist. That's really exciting. You never know what's going to happen from one week to the next." That's from Tony Brook.

We also had an excercise earlier, where as groups we discussed the types of different newspapers and the differences between them. We picked examples of different formats of visual news, broadsheets, tabloids, middle market tabloids, regional, free-sheets, websites, tv etc.

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