Monday 28 October 2013

Studio Brief 4 - Message Delivery

Here's the work I've done in preparation for today's group crit at 11am. It's to get us up to speed on everything we've done so for on the research data collection project.

To start with, I collected the Independent, and the Daily Express and done a brief research into the background of those, I looked at the owners, the format, the political alignment of the paper and so on. I also briefly looked at Design elements that were worth mentioning, I actually found some worthwhile information, Mike Dempsey was one the original designers for the independent, and I've found he has a really interesting blog which he updates regularly with design work and cultural influence.

The article I chose to analise was one on scientific research leading to a belief in a cure for Androgenic Alopecia (baldness). On these couple of pages I've picked at certain part of the articles and researched into them further, for example the writer of the article, the tone of voice used, the angle at which the article is written at etc.

I also included a short write up on my own personal view on the matter, summing up the article in my own words.

I also took the time to look at how other news providers dealt with the story, I included BBC news, the daily mail and sky news. An interesting point to pick out was selecting some of the readers comments on the articles to see what others thought of the story.

I then went to specialise into general research into baldness. I decided to gather some statistics, and develop that further. I wanted to design something that would showcase the research I found, and an info graphic poster seemed the most obvious choice.

Here's the finished design, I'm pleased with it, because it transcends what I think Graphic Design is all about, communicating messages through creative and visually appealing media.

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