Monday 7 October 2013

Alphabet Soup Brief

Today we were given our first design brief, (OUGD403 Design Skills). It's called "Alphabet Soup", and our brief entails manipulating a typeface with a theme that was randomly assigned to us. We are to make 10 variations of our chosen letterform, they can be as abstract or as minimal as we like, but we were advised to perhaps consider designing it for the intention of body copy.

To start me off I do what I normally do at the start of a project and brainstorm. Connections and connotations of my chosen word were an obvious choice, I also learned my chosen fonts designer, foundry, year of design etc.

As part of my initial research, I've loaned a few books out, as it's a 2 week project I should get the chance to have a good look at them. We'll be learning more about different aspects of type, like the anatomy & terminology used. The books I've got so far:

Pao & Berger, I & J. (2006) 30 Essential Typefaces for a lifetime. Massachusetts, Rockport Publishers.

Jury, D. (2006) What is Typography? Switzerland, RotoVision SA.

Ambrose & Harris, G & P. (2010) The Visual Dictionary of Typography. Switzerland, AVA Publishing SA.

Century: a serif font designed by Morris Fuller Benton, in 1900 for American Type Founders.

My chosen word to manipulate is: Street.

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