Sunday 20 October 2013

Studio Brief 1 Final Crit

On Friday we had our final crit for our first studio brief. We don't hand the project in for a while, so there is potential to revisit. I don't think I will though, I'm pretty satisfied that I've achieved what I set out to do, I feel like there is a resolution and I'm excited about how it's going to link into studio brief 2. Studio brief 2 entails that we develop one of the 10 final outcomes from studio brief 1 into a fully workable font through Adobe Illustrator. In that respect, I think I've definitely designed with that in mind and that reflects how achievable my outcomes are. I'm looking forward to getting to know more about Illustrator, I've been using it for a while now but there are gaps where skills need to be learned. It's not actually been said yet, but I've noticed the college computers have Fontographer installed, and I'm assuming this is the piece of kit we'll be using to import our letterform glyphs from Illustrator. If that's the case I'm excited about getting to know this software as developing fonts & typefaces may be something I want to look into at some detail.

I'd also like to quickly add some of the books I've recently loaned to my bibliography/reference list, like 'The Visual Dictionary of Typography" the are also by Ambrose & Harris, the colour one in particular I've interesting so far.

Ambrose & Harris, G & P. (2005) Colour. Switzerland, AVA Publishing SA.

Ambrose & Harris, G & P. (2010) Design Th!nking. Switzerland, AVA Publishing SA.

Ambrose & Harris, G & P. (2011) Layout. 2nd Edition, Switzerland, AVA Publishing SA.

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