Monday 21 October 2013

Research for Studio Brief 3

So this is where I'm at wih studio brief 3: I've been brain storming ideas on how to learn more about Katie, and potential avenues I could explore in terms of characteristics of the type I want to manipulate that will represent her. My main stream of thought at the moment is that it has to be cool, but not flashy. It has to be a laid back kind of cool. For that reason I'm tending to lean towards a sans serif type, but I'm not limiting my options just yet. Mood boards are something we both agree we should develop, they are a great way of collating lots of information together. I had the idea of doing it in the style of an ID board, so maybe a small piece with a photograph of Katie, and other info like her age etc.

These two excercises were both helpful with getting to know more about Katie. First were a list of interview questions, asking things like 'What makes you happy" etc.

Also, with this being a typeface project, we both found it useful to look at our different handwriting styles and seeing if any aspects of this could be taken forward into the design process.

I went to the library last week to find any current research on type manipulation, and I found a good couple of pages in this issue of eye magazine. Ones I found particularly interesting & appropriate were a couple of fonts that looked as though they'd been cut away from pre-existing types like Bodoni. I've analysed these as part of my general typographic research.

This is me picking up on techniques used in the pieces of research I found.

And yes, I had what I thought was a great idea that I think will let me and Katie learn more about each other. I feel, a persons home is an extension of themselves a lot of the time, in our case as students, it's our rooms that get this treatment. You can tell loads about a person by the way they decorate, so we've both decided to each give each other photos of our rooms. I think it will be an excellent source of information.

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