Tuesday 15 October 2013

LCA Prospectus Analysis

This is the newest prospectus for Leeds College of Art for the years 2014/15. It's very different to the last one, I personally prefer it. Here I'm going to explain why in 5 short points exploring both positive & negative feedback:

The layout and grid is solid, the central bar organises the type and image effectively into two columns per page and this is consistent throughout the book.

I like the use of varied paper size & stock to emphasise the contents pages, making it easier to navigate to. This is where the function and practicality shine through the design.

One thing I don't like so much is how the geometric illustrations around the side of the front draw the eye away from the focal point of the cover; I like the physical design of them, for example the colour and lowered opacity, but in terms of composition it's slightly distracting.

The stock the brochure is printed on is nice to the touch and adds a friendly feel to the overall design.

I'm curious about the body copy typeface used, I quite like it, and I think it's uncommon to find a sans serif type like this with a stylised 'g'. It's in the style of a serif type, with the extra ear and the loop. This adds character to the font. I also think the balance of different styled typefaces is right, it looks like 3 have been used. About maximum I'd say.

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