Wednesday 30 April 2014

Supporting Media for Movie Poster

Below are different elements that contributed to the production of my poster design, it includes actual poster content as well as visual research that give me a feel for the project.

This is a screen grab of the IMDb website, it was important as this gave me all the information and content when designing the credits footer for the poster. Including a footer was something I wanted to from the start, it really clarifies exactly what the piece is; however when it comes to alternative poster design, they often aren't used.

This also shows the original theatrical release poster for Breakfast of champions (apologies for the pixelisation). In my own opinion I think it's crap, in terms of actual functionality. The main aim of a poster is of course to promote the film, and the way this is often done is by giving an insight into the style & genre. This does not do that at all, when studying this poster I'd assume the given film was a comedy, however that's certainly not the case. The film focuses on themes of mental illness and depression.

This example above was really useful when it came to designing the credits footer for the poster.

This is just a poster that I spotted and liked the look of, I love the simplicity to it. I want to recreate something that echoes this simplistic style.

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