Wednesday 30 April 2014

Interactive Typography Pin-Board

This is what I'm proposing for my "Speaking From Experience" brief, which is intended to be a piece of Graphic Design that in some way aids the first years with their transitions to the course.

Straight away I knew I wanted to play to my strengths, so I'm choosing Typography to base it on. I also know I didn't want to produce a booklet or brochure, as this seems to be what many other students are opting for. I want to produce somethings that's one of a kind, and is accessible to every student whenever they're in the studio.

That's when I came up with the idea for an interactive pin-board. What I want to produce is a large vector map of the world, and what I'll do is have orbiting sheets with information about certain Typefaces, then you connect the Font to place it was designed on the map. I want this to be something that continues throughout the year, I feel it has the potential to be quite a big project, and could turn out to be really big. I also think it will aid with the first years Type Journal.

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