Wednesday 9 April 2014


Mahou is another beer that has a brand I'm quite fond of, I can remember researching this last year when I was in Barcelona, I first came across it in McDonalds where they serve it. It's a very slick logotype, the colour scheme makes for a strong colour contrast. This is another type that has elements of it that could be considered serif, but like a lot of logotypes it looks as though it's been carefully stylised, and won't be accessible as a stand alone typeface, the logo itself is stand alone and has been specially made.

I can remember seeing a post on FontSmith a while back, a company that produce fonts for companies. Mahou was featured, and I've went and found the post on their website and I got it here to show. As far as I'm aware the typeface Fontsmith have made is secondry to the logo, intended to support the rest of the promotional media. Here's some photos that showcase what FontSmith did:

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