Friday 15 May 2015

COP - Tear-Out Poster Artwork

This is the piece of artwork I designed for my publication. It makes up the front cover for the magazine, and it also comes as an A2 fold out poster. I thought it was appropriate for the imaging on the cover, because it does a good job of setting the tone of voice for the publication. It certainly mirrors a lot of the themes I've covered in the essay itself, being: sex and the virtual identity, sexuality and exaggerated personifications of oneself in a made up environment etc. I'm really pleased with how it's turned out, I think it's a really cool image and it got a lot of great feedback when I was putting my stuff together.

In terms of the actual creation, I used a high res photograph from a pornographic shoot (I'd provide a version but it's quite explicit). I then made vector versions of the emoticon faces to paste into the scene. Once I was happy with the composition I applied a filter to make the image fit together more seamlessly.

It's also worth mentioning the 'hidden' emoticon I inserted too, at a glance you assume that what you see in the image is indeed the male's penis. However the more keen observer will notice it is in fact the infamous 'aubergine emoji' and not a penis at all. Again, this whole system challenges the embedding of sexual culture into our everyday social and virtual lives.

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