Tuesday 12 May 2015

COP - Proposing Ideas for Practical & Visual Research

The content and theme of my essay is on virtual reality, new technologies and the role of the visual communicator. I've came up with a few different possibilities for what I can do for my practical work, but the idea I'm favouring is as follows:

I'd like to create a mixed publication, that's primary function is to host my essay, as an article response. With a mixture of photographs, added articles and journals. The content I've got ready at hand to go straight into it includes:

- The 3000 word essay I've completed on VR and new technologies.

- The Transhumanist declaration, which is an article I've looked at in detail to anchor the findings I've made and justified against the development of certain technologies.

- Mark Zuckerburg interviews, on the purchasing of Oculus, facebook's future etc.

- Oculus articles that I've looked at in my research.

- Articles from sections of academic resources I've looked at, ie New Media: A critical analysis.

There's also ideas of content that I could generate myself, which include a few smaller ideas:

- A photography series of 3D rendered objects transposed into real life

- And real objects transposed into a 3D context.

- I had an idea to create masks of emoticons that we see everyday and photograph those in context.

My plan is to make a collated piece of editorial, that is one-off by nature. I'm under no illusion that I've got a small time frame to work from to complete this work, and for that reason I've decided to make each individual piece of work separate that joins together in a fashion that collates the entire piece. This means I can keeping adding sections to the publication as they're completed, and I can realistically complete at least some of the sections I've talked about.

For this reason, I want to make a booklet style magazine that varies in size, stock and processes that will all be bound together using a practical and versatile method of binding: stitching. Plus, this again means I can keep adding to the piece if I find I've got the time to add elements.

To get an idea of the aesthetic style I'm aiming for I've got a couple of pieces of research to show:

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