Friday 15 May 2015

COP - Branding my Publication

So I've got my concept: A publication that hosts a variety of articles related to the field of emerging technologies and Virtual Reality. The name I came up with for it is simply a stylized anagram  for it: VR, it's short and snappy enough to grab someones attention.

This is what I came up with. The typeface is called Novel, and I'm really fond of it. I deliberately picked a serif typeface, the reason being you'll notice there's a custom made ligature connecting the two characters. This is the concept that holds my brand together; I wanted to merge the two characters together, to symbolize the merging of 'Virtual' & 'Reality'. Upon reading through my essay it becomes relevant that this is a topic I've heavily looked into, making this exceptionally relevant.

I'm pleased with it. Not only does it look great, it also nails the theme of the written work conceptually too.

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