Wednesday 6 November 2013

Today's Poster Brief Crit

Today's group critique was a bit different in terms of format, the group was split in 2 and we took it in turns to walk round the other groups work and leave post-it notes as feedback. 

I got some decent responses actually, a lot of people seemed impressed with the ingenuity of combining 3 posters layered on acetate to create an overall design, with the option of different variations. One really important thing I picked up was that my tag line could be improved, originally it was "Don't let it go, over the top of your head", since then it's been improved to just simply "Don't let it go over your head". Which is a lot snappier and still transcends the message I'm trying to get across.

I think I'm going to play around with the colour scheme too before the final crit on Friday.

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