Wednesday 6 November 2013

Illustrator Processes

Here's a quick insight into the techniques I've been using as part of studio brief 2 where we have to create a vectorised typeface. I've already shown on here a new process I'd learn in our Adobe Illustrator tutorials, the patherfinder tool. These photos show how they've made a difference to my project; the typeface I started with was Century, and above you can see how I've used the patherfinder tool to remove parts of the glyphs in order to make it a sans serif typeface. The process is really quite quick, and with the combination of the 'edit pen' tool you can achieve some really accurate results.

I think I've already mentioned how I'm not a massive fan of century, so I found it surprising how much I liked it without the serifs. One big difference I made was the S, there's quite a lot been taken away from it, in that sense it's now quite minimal. I actually really like the new stylised version, but I'm aware it's not in keeping with the other characters.

I'm pleased I've learned these techniques and processes, because it means I can now take them and apply them in my own way.

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