Friday 15 November 2013

OUGD403 Module Evaluation

I’ll sum up my experience throughout this module by saying I’ve learned a lot. In terms of techniques, I feel as though I’m already so much more experienced than I was 2 months ago. I do think that as a designer I’ve not expressed my full potential yet, but I recognise that this module has been about collecting knowledge and techniques to apply, and I’m sure it will show in my future projects to come.

I’ve been properly interested in Typography for a while now, so it’s only natural that I would enjoy this module. I feel as though I’m familiar with the processes I must go through to create Typefaces now, and I’m hoping to have a good collection of them by the end of the course.

I can’t say I’ve found anything especially challenging, in comparison to a foundation diploma the workload is higher, but I like that, it’s what gets me excited. I like that there are a lot of things going on at once, and in reality it’s good to get used to this now as it certainly won’t slow down in the future.

I’m really looking forward to the next modules, where I can apply what I’ve learned so far.

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