Tuesday 12 January 2016

How I'd Add to the Project

It's always beneficial to address improvements that I'd have liked to make or areas that I'd have developed more had I more time and resources. The clear and obvious choice that strikes me first is the physical development of the app that I've proposed and the actual logistics of how a task like this could be undertaken, personally I'd prefer to get an understanding for how the technology and processes behind app building work than spend money on someone else to complete this task, meaning I also get the opportunity to learn a new skill which in this field is always helpful.

I'm have an already very basic understanding of app building and the software that it takes to complete it, XCode is a piece of software for Apple computers that specialises in this area. To extend and develop this project further I would learn the techniques and skills from this software and develop the concept into a fully functioning service.

And like learning any new skill or technique, we often can take for granted just how easy it can be with the technology we have at our fingertips. As is the case for most hobbies and skills these days "there's a YouTube tutorial for everything'.

Finally I mentioned in my evaluation that there wouldn't be too much I'd have to alter in order to turn this project into a pitch or business model. Which is something I'm still considering. Yet I believe that could be the final chapter in turning this into something that's got actual gravitas and potential to really change the political landscape. Which after all is exactly what I set out to question, 'whether or not it could be done', I feel my written work is very clear about how it could be a possibility, I could take this project further in the hope of truly making a democratic difference which again is exactly the reason I set out in the first place.

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