Monday 24 March 2014

Context of Practice Practical Proposal

This is what I'm proposing I do for the practical part of my context of practice piece:

I intend to make a book, not a very thick one, smaller than A4 in format, which will have my own essay and possibly other academic extracts inside. I'd like to have a box format sleeve too.

I want to include some of my own photography, whether or not this is appropriate I've not yet decided, but I think it would really compliment the format I'm deciding on.

I want to use laser cutting techniques, the reasons are two-fold: Firstly it's a practice I've not used in years, so I'd like to add this skill back into my inventory. Secondly, I want to experiment with the potential for an interactive sleeve, something that makes it a little bit different to other sleeves.

In terms of visual qualities, I want it to follow a similar style to the original format of the essay. That format was inspired directly from the works I looked at to contextualise my essay in the first place, works like Neue Typografik and Grid Systems by Josef Müeller Brockmann.

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