Monday 13 January 2014

Concept Workshop

Today we had to present our group-work that we did over the weekend on conceptual thinking. We were given the task of working together to come up with a solution to either a bar, hotel or restaurant. Whatever we chose, it had to be clear that there was a well informed concept behind the work. This really helped my get thinking about different ways you could approach design, and it really assisted me in understanding that more often than not, conceptual work is often the best, it sets the bar for design with meaning. Because at the end of the day, if something is purely aesthetic, people won't tend to remember it as much.

As a group we chose a bar, and after spitballing a few potential ideas we decided on going with the concept or theme of 'perspective', which we also proposed as the name. Our intentions we to design a space that people could experience as a place that question everyday things, through the theories of optical illusion, whether through the medium of colour, viewpoint, morphism etc. Some of the key defining features we came up with included a bar that looks different lengths, glasses that paired up with placemats that provided a colour filter that changed the way you saw an image, sculptures that hung from the ceilings that made up typography when viewed from a certain viewpoint (like the entrance) but looked like random artwork from anywhere else.

As part of our inspiration, I suggested the group looks at Hans Holbein's work 'The Ambassadors', this was the point of view I was trying to get across, that things can be perceived differently from different points of view. Here's the painting, notice the way the skull looks different from a different viewpoints:

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