Monday 30 September 2013

Introductory Brief

Today we received our first brief, it's a follow-up from my previous post. The problems we agreed on as a year have now been assigned to groups of 6, and our task is to design the solution. My group has the brief: "How to find employment to support a student lifestyle".

As a group we've agreed upon designing a campaign, targeting all students, whether they're keen on the idea of employment or not. If they are, we aim to inform them of their options, for example: websites they can apply for work at, how to build a personal profile/CV, places that are popular for student work etc. If they don't like the idea of employment, we have information regarding ways of getting quick and easy money, like scientific experiments, promotion work etc.

So far I like where our group is going with this project, we've all done research into areas we think will benefit the outcomes, and we've came up with some pretty interesting stuff. I stressed the point earlier today that at the moment as freshers, we're bombarded with flyers and leaflets about all sorts of crap, and we don't think twice about throwing them in the bin. To me it's important that if we were to design some kind of physical informative campaign, it wouldn't just join that list of crap. We need something different.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Approaching Problems

Yesterday we were given our first task, an exercise designed to make us think more about approaching problems and how we manage them. We were paired up and told to state 20 problems (regarding our recent change into University lifestyle) between us, then we would be put with another group so our numbers were doubled. Between us we had to decide which problems would be put forward again as we were still limited to 20; this process was repeated until the groups were much larger and the problems were much fewer. Eventually the entire group ended up with 10 common problems.

The exercise was interesting, seeing how different people dealt with things in their own way. It was even more fascinating later on when all 50 of us were debating which were more important than others.